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Rockstar Games - Grand Theft Auto V: Dialogue And More

Dan Dawkins: On this week’s GTA 5 o’clock; Actual character dialogue revealed, Rockstar confirm map details and is there a Space Rangers mobile game? It’s the only weekly GTA 5 show that matters. It’s GTA 5 o’clock.

Tim Weaver: Hi. Welcome to this week’s GTA 5 o’clock. I’m Tim Weaver. I’m here with Dan Dawkins. Hello, Dan

Dan Dawkins: Hello and boy, am I pumped for the show, Tim.

Tim Weaver: It’s going to be an exciting one, Dan. Upfront, let’s tell people why they should be excited.

Dan Dawkins: They should be excited because previously, as you may have seen on our big, ultimate preview show where we saw the game, we talked about all new details. And new in-game missions and various different things. What we’ve got now is a super deep forensic pass on our notes because Tim, at the time, and I both took notes on the event

Tim Weaver: Lots and lots of notes.

Dan Dawkins: Yeah. And we were able to pass along quite a lot of that in our previous preview but right now we’re going to deliver all-new information and direct conversation from characters that are speaking in the game. This is actual in-game GTA dialogue as it was spoken at the time. Obviously things changed if it may have changed but this is as we saw it in the demo. It’s all new. Plus lot’s of new clues and leads that link to other key things in the game.

Tim Weaver: So basically, Dan we a long, long, long list of stuff here. So we might as well kick it off straight away. Let’s not keep people waiting. How did the demo kick off? Let’s crack on

Dan Dawkins: Yeah. Well, Rockstar always prefaced their demos for the really interesting bit of background to set the scene; tell you what’s going on. I thought there were some interesting snatches from the official Rockstar description there where they were saying things about the crazies and the hillbillies up in the north.

Now obviously we know about the Alamo Sea area and Sandy Shores where Trevor lives. And we’ve seen the characters there but I thought the inference from this was that there’s an even crazier breed of person who lives in the hillier area. Bare in mind we’ve not really seen much of Mt Chiliad. I’ve just wondered if it was a crazier breed of conspiracy nut job who lives out in the sticks.

Almost like US survivalists. That kind of thing. And we’ve already seen it again. Leaked scripts talk of people who are paranoid, UFO conspiracists and people who think the government are out to get us. That is an absolute right bit of US culture. They’re for sendups. I’d expect to be battling with or against these mad dudes.

Tim Weaver: So just to frame this then and to give people an idea of how it worked, we sat down and before the game kicked off the Rockstar rep gave us an overview of what the game’s about and this was the point at which they mentioned the crazies, the hillbillies; that kind of stuff. But, this point the demo hadn’t yet kicked off.

Dan Dawkins: The demo hadn’t started. So we get a little bit of extra background. I also thought it was interesting they mentioned the military base during the opening spiel. Which again, we’ve looked at on our map that we’ve released previously: version one-point-one and version one-point-oh of our map. Tim and I. We were debating this before we went on air. We decided whether we think the prison is as you move northeast out of Los Santos city or whether the prison is there and in fact the military base is closer to the river as you suggested, Tim.
Tim Weaver: So. Yeah. I can’t say for sure Dan but I do recall it being, as Franklin was coming out of the plane, on the sea. Now, it might be my fuzzy, old man brain forgetting it but that’s how it seemed to me. So, it might possible be that the military base is kind of land-locked. It’s not surrounded on one side by sea. But I remember it being on the sea and I also remember the plane taking off from there and angling out to the sea.

Dan Dawkins: Oh. That’s interesting because they referenced a cargo plane taking off, which we did see it as we were coming down so it could well be that. The most exciting thing about the confirmation of the military base is really what lurks within. What kind of super hardcore weapon were you going to get?

Is it bazookas, RPGs? Would it be stuff with laser targeting? Would it be tanks? Could it go beyond tanks? Will there be advanced forms of fighter jets, helicopters? I don’t think you’ll be able to walk through the front doors but when you do get in there in a similar fashion to Area 51 in GTA: San Andreas, I think it’s going to hide some seriously badass kits. Almost certainly you’re going to have to break in for one of the final heists.

Tim Weaver: Yeah. That would certainly make sense. They went on to talk about the heists. They also said they were blurring the lines between on and off missions.

Dan Dawkins: Yeah. I think just talking about the idea of the game always fizzes with activity so you’re never doing a mission and then bumbling around. They’re blurring of the lines between random occurring dynamic missions and actively chosen stuff like mini games. I just think they want you to feel constantly like you’re in this big, bubbling fizzing world of stuff to do.

What I thought was interesting; they talked about the way the characters and the plots will develop. They talked about, Rockstar themselves, watching a lot of TV shows. And they like the idea of shows that give you multiple perspectives on things. So you’ve got three guys, and exactly what they said is, you’re learning their backstory as you go throughout the game, which in itself implies there’s skeletons in the closet. Which would again exactly tie with our favorite song on the show.

Tim Weaver: ‘Ba, ba, bow’, as Stevie Wonder famously said.
Dan Dawkins: Yeah. Exactly. So there’s skeletons in their closet. And there’s definitely some secrets in their backstory that will be unveiled. And I think what was also interesting: It says, ‘Sometimes you will work alone, sometimes together, and not always by choice.’ So again, whether that’s the case of characters fall out. Whether there’s a fractious alliance in the first place. But there must be something that binds them.

Again, whether it’s something: one of those skeletons in the closet. But I thought that was an interesting thing to pick out. Again, we’ve talked. We won’t go back through the demo as we did. You can find the previous episode that we can maybe link to on-screen now. That will give you everything you need to know in terms of the missions themselves. What we’re going to do is pick out interesting details.

Franklin. I like the way he was described. As an ‘ambitious, young guy happy’, and this was the interesting bit, ‘working either side of the law’. Now we know he works as a repo guy, which is not… Is that the right side of the law? I guess it’s just doing your job, basically, isn’t it?

Tim Weaver: Yeah. I mean, I guess it is, yeah. I mean, it is the right side of the law but I guess it… You get the sort of hint from screenshots we’ve seen from videos, from the way Rockstar have talked, and certainly from what we’ve seen of the game so far that the lines between right and right are quite blurred, especially where this Armenian, his boss, is concerned. And we see that footage of him in the trailer of Michael beating what we suspect to be this Armenian guy.

Dan Dawkins: And he was described as ‘shady’, this Armenian car dealer so he obviously is involved with some nefarious activities. I thought it was interesting, in terms of the ‘other side of the law’, whether at some stage Franklin gets involved. Like, we see he works… He’s sort of forced to work for the FIB in conjunction with Michael who obviously owes a lot to the FIB because of his sweet heart deal.

But I wondered only because in the early versions of the GTA 5 casting call, the rushed casting call and the - stuff we’ve talked about previously, there was a character like Miguel González, who didn’t have an entirely dissimilar profile to Franklin. It talked about him being like an undercover agent who worked both sides of the law.

Tim Weaver: Oh, interesting.
Dan Dawkins: Now again, that’s a massive leap of assumption. It’d imply that Franklin’s entire gangster life is some sort of embedded root, which doesn’t seem real. But whether, during the game he actually does work as an official double agent or something, I don’t know. But, I just thought the character and that thread of characters that were described in the casing call haven’t been unearthed yet.

Because there’s also Calvin North whose like a clapped out, old FBI agent. And there’s a middle-aged FBI guy who, by the way, hasn’t really been seen. So I feel like there’s an entire strand of technically good guys who haven’t been explored yet in GTA trailers. Whether Rockstar have dropped that from the script or they’re just keeping it quiet, I don’t know.

Tim Weaver: One of the interesting things about Franklin’s trailer and the footage we’ve seen of Franklin so far is that he does seem to be trying to escape that kind of gangster life to a certain extent. We see him drawn back into it during the course of this trailer in some way but he has that conversation with Lamar, doesn’t he, where he’s effectively, and I’m paraphrasing obviously, saying this can’t beat everything. I need something more. I need to do something more and Lamar’s trying to draw him back in. So he obviously does have ambitions to beyond that. Beyond this Armenian car dealership job as well.

Dan Dawkins: Yeah. Without a doubt. Now. Now when we get into the main missions we see Franklin jumping out of a chopper.

Tim Weaver: Yeah. Chopper. Is it worth pointing out here Dan, just as a small thing, that this occurred about eight and a half minutes into our visit to Rockstar the day that that the demo kicked off.

Dan Dawkins: Yeah. We had eight minutes of setting the scene and chin wagging. But I thought it was interesting that you can actually time how long it took him from when he jumps out of the plane to when he lands. I think a lot of people are very interested in the scale of GTA 5 and a lot of people are worried that the game isn’t big. Now, I’ve timed it, and this is an exact timing based on our notes and transcription.

He leaps out and you can hear the wind rushing. That was around about nine minutes, fourteen seconds in. And then I’ve got him landing at about twelve minuets, oh two. He’s falling for almost three minutes. Two minutes, forty-five seconds-ish. That’s a big amount of time to be airborne. Really.

Tim Weaver: It’s a huge amount of time.

Dan Dawkins: And it shows that, you know, again the scale he was taking in. And they talked about things like you can see the military base. We’re heading over Mt – so we know that Mt – was a part of that mix up. Then we talked about entering the valley and things getting a bit greener. What I thought was interesting was Rockstar again said we’re now in the north of the island.

And again, the word ‘island’, I thought was interesting. Because is it to say that just this area we’re looking at was island-based or is it saying that the entire Los Santos state is more like an island, which is a bit more like some of the previous GTA’s. I don’t know. I don’t want to be too much into some of these things because they’re being related through a Rockstar rep. I might not be absolute gospel.

But I mean, the island idea would certainly make sense because obviously you can then hem gamers in somehow. Otherwise if it’s not an island you have to create an infinite wall, some degree of mountain range that can never be passed or bridges that you can’t cross. And they’ve promised that wasn’t going to be the case this time. Everything was going to be open from the start. So an island would make the most sense.

Now, we’ve talked about when you change character, you just go the main menu and there’s a Google Earth-style “boom, boom, boom” as you swap out of the character. Now, I’ve timed how long it took from the activation of the first “boom” to the actual landing in another character’s brain. I think that’s about a fifteen second transition. Now, that might be masking a loading time because you’re obviously moving.

And we moved from Franklin in these quite verdant valley areas to waking up as Trevor right out on the Alamo Sea with the members of the west coast of The Lost chapter all dead. So it’s obviously loading quite a bit of new scenery. For me, that took about fifteen seconds and that includes all the various stages of the “boom, boom, boom” all the way through.
Tim Weaver: So where did the Rockstar guy say that Trevor, in terms of the direction of where he was, say that he woke up.

Dan Dawkins: Well, this is fascinating because Rockstar’s words were, “We’re in the south east part of the island”, which, given what we’ve done in terms of our mapping project, goes against everything. We felt he was on the edge of the Alamo Sea. Whether he meant the southeast part of the Alamo Sea area would make intrinsic sense with what we’ve seen.

And certainly would tie up with some of the previous analyses that people have done and we’ve done. But to put it actually southeast, which would be for me to the right of the main Los Santos city and more like the Hoover Dam, didn’t make sense. But that’s certainly what they’ve said. Whether they meant the southeast part of the Alamo Sea is a little bit of locational detail.

What I thought was interesting as well: We talked about Trevor and we see there’s members of the west coast chapter of The Lost gang, the motorcycle gang.

Now, we were told that Trevor has and has always had a very uneasy relationship with them, which either implies that he’s had problems with The Lost in his previous life or that Trevor’s been living out in the sticks for longer than we’d expect. But I just think that idea of always having had problems with them is quite interesting.

Tim Weaver: So, from there he wanders around his pants for a while and then goes and finds the boat. And that point, music kicks in once he gets on the boat.

Dan Dawkins: What’s the music, Tim?

Tim Weaver: The music Dan is, and people will know this from Trevor’s trailer, ‘Are You Sure Hank Done It This Way’ by Waylon Jennings. It’s the music on Trevor’s trailer. That was the music that was playing in the boat when we took the boat out onto the Alamo Sea.

Dan Dawkins: Yeah. And what we did then is we went under the water. What I thought was interesting is as we went under the water, straightaway you hear the breathing sounds. There is ambient music that wafts in really gently. It’s really beautifully done. What Rockstar also confirms: They said, ‘just as planes come equipped with parachutes in GTA 5, some watercraft gets scuba gear’. So again it sounds like something some craft will have as default.

Tim Weaver: I think we talked about this on a previous episode and they confirmed to us also that that particular boat will always come with scuba gear. But some, as you state, won’t.

Dan Dawkins: What was interesting as well is when we finished this section underwater and we transition through the map to become Michael, the transition this time, according to my timings, took ever so slightly longer. We said fifteen seconds for a map transition previously. This one, I think, took between fifteen and twenty seconds.

Now, that’s only a matter of seconds and it’s hardly that important of note but it could be that, depending on the degree of geographical change, those transitions are slightly longer. That’s purely speculative but the evidence of what I’ve got here would back it up. This is the really fascinating bit now Tim because this is where we become Michael.

Michael’s is by far the most vibrant sections set in the city of Los Santos in the Vinewood area. This was the bit that, from watching it live, blew me away with the level of ambient detail and the stuff going on.

Tim Weaver: Yeah. Here, it was difficult to note down every single thing that we heard and saw, and of course whilst watching the demo being played out, the guy at Rockstar was chatting to us as well. We’ve tried to list as much dialogue as we can remember. We’ve tried to list any of the sounds and the traffic noises; the horns. All that sort of thing as we can.

There may be a few little grey areas where we haven’t been able to hear stuff properly or whatever.

Dan Dawkins: Yeah. I thought it was interesting, because again, there’s so many ambient buzz in this scene. You’d picked up Tim that as we see Michael outside the Von Crastenburg Hotel, you could hear music. So there was unidentified music playing. Do you think that was coming from the hotel?

Tim Weaver: Yeah. I think it was coming from the hotel lobby. So, he starts at the top of the Von Crastenburg steps. There’s four or five steps down to the pavement to the sidewalk. And, as he’s standing there, there was just music playing. It was that muzak.

Dan Dawkins: And again, it’s just apposed with a sharp beep of a horn. You’d noted Tim that you could hear a car accelerating past the horn blast. I think there’s always a sense of something going on. What was interesting that’s worth picking up in terms of Michael’s character description is that Rockstar described him as ‘a very, very successful bank robber’ and ‘one of the most successful in the country.’

Now, that implies a degree of notoriety and I’m going to play purely fun devil’s advocate. And I know people will shoot me down in the comments because as we all now, Rockstar said previous characters won’t return in the new HD universe. I’d only throw it out there and say if you did have a criminal who’s that notorious and that big, it would tie into the crazy theory of could Michael secretly be someone like Claude and/or Tommy Vercetti?

As if he’s a proper guy who’s made it big and been out the other side. That’s pure fun speculation. I know you’ll shoot me down because everyone does always, and say Rockstar said this. It’s that. You’ve got to think, ‘Well, yeah. Rockstar have said that. It could also be a degree of misdirection on their part or maybe it’s as obvious as it looks.’

But, if you’ve got a plot reveal that big, you don’t want to parade it out in the open. And again, could it be that, as we’ve speculated, the two have got a related background in terms of Trevor and Michael? Could it be they both play those different characters?

Or maybe not, but I’m just throwing it out there. I think that was a fun thing and it would make sense of making such a big deal of what a big bank robbery was. Because t would imply that he’s famous in his own world.

Tim Weaver: Yeah. And, like you say when you have that notoriety, it’s very difficult to disappear as well. If he’s plastered all over the pages but just wandering a free man around Vinewood, something doesn’t quite sit right somewhere. Anyway, as he’s standing at the top of the steps there, Dan, someone walks past him and says something. Now, I wasn’t able to write down exactly what was said but I guess it was someone having a conversation.

But, there’s a lot of people as you’d expect from this world and as this has been the case in previous games. People wander past and as you wander past them, they say stuff to you. Small conversational lines going on the whole time.

Dan Dawkins: You made some nice notes here because as Michael starts moving we get to see the radar a bit more. We noted that, and we talked about this previously, the radar is Sudo 3D-looking. It’s a bit more like when the iOS Apple maps update came out. It’s that Quasi 3D mode. It looked a little bit more like that. And Michael was represented by an arrow as he was treading the streets. I thought that was quite interesting.

Tim Weaver: Rockstar went over who Michael was. They talked about his love of Vinewood action movies. We’ve documented that quite well over the past few weeks about where we think that’ll take shape.

Dan Dawkins: Again, I don’t know if this has been confirmed because people said I was wrong when I said this previously: Rockstar said Michael’s wife is cheating on him. Confirmed. Now, I think that might have been public domain from when we said the guy in one of the previous trailers who jumped out of the window could be Jack, the Vinewood playboy, from casting calls.

Tim Weaver: I think that could be the guy who was having an affair with his wife. It would completely make sense.

He spends most of his time at the bottom of a whiskey bottle. We’ve seen that in the previous trailers. He really does enjoy his whiskey. At this point, this is about thirteen and a half minutes after the demo first started. He starts wandering down the street. There’s a sports car, which accelerated. I wasn’t able to get the make. But it was a really throaty noise. More car horns. There’s a lot of horns in the Vinewood section.

Dan Dawkins: People shouting, we’ve noted. It’s a really busy, ambient city. Obviously, as he strolls around Vinewood, he stops and he listens to a character called Pamela Drake. You leave Pamela Drake behind and walk down where you can see a Vinewood tour bus. And we’re told that if you pay a few bucks, you can take a tour of the Vinewood Hills. You get told the sleazy stories of the celebs who live behind. So, I thought that was fascinating.

Tim Weaver: And then, just as he’s wandering past the tour bus, we hear, ‘Impotent Rage’. We talked about him in the previous weeks. He’s got his own cartoon show in the game. What’s nice about him is he’s this guy who about the fact that he’s a highly qualified actor doing a fairly crappy job.

At this point, in our notes, it’s hard to get a sense of who’s saying what because there’s lots of dialogue coming from off camera and in the background. But, we’ve done our best to write down who says what and I think at this point, Impotent Rage says as Michael is near him, “I’m really pretty mad right now.”

And then we’re introduced to the Space Rangers, Dan. We saw them in GTA 4. They’re back in GTA 5. And then, interestingly, Rockstar said, “Alongside a whole host of new TV, radio and more”. We know they’ll be tons of radio stations but I wonder whether they’ll be tons of TV stations as well

Dan Dawkins: In the life of GTA 5 o’clock, I think this is another zing moment. Because to me that says the Space Rangers will appear in a mobile phone game. And that’s it. I think there will be transmedia for Space Rangers.

If they’re on a quest for global domination like any brand in the modern universe where you’ve got to be on seven billion different media channels, I bet you there’s a Space Rangers mobile phone game.

Tim Weaver: And at that point they show us how the phone works. We hear three beeps, as he’s selecting the options. And then we hear Impotent Rage say “I’m completely crazy here.” After another beep, Impotent Rage speaks again; “I am Impotent Rage. Get me excited and I get crazy. Get me crazy and I get excited.” And then he starts taking a photo.

Dan Dawkins: Brilliant. Rockstar confirmed you can upload the photos to their social club, the Rockstar Social Club. They also said they have their own version of the Internet in the game as well as social media. This is what blows my mind. Is it not enough that they’re making the biggest open-world game ever. But they’re now taking on the Internet, Twitter and Facebook.

Tim Weaver: I don’t want to read too much into the beeps, Dan. But the reason I wrote six beeps in my notes is a good way of showing the depth of options in your phone. There’s options within options.

Dan Dawkins: It’s six button presses, isn’t it. So, that’s quite a bit of depth. I thought that was really interesting.

Tim Weaver: Space Rangers. I think it was Space Rangers. It didn’t sound like Impotent Rage because Impotent Rage was doing an English accent, whereas Space Ranger was more American. And he says, “I ought to be doing Shakespeare and stop doing this crap.” So, he’s really down about the fact that he’s had to do it. Now, that could be Impotent Range. That piece of dialogue happened off camera so it was difficult to tell exactly who it was.

Dan Dawkins: It’s fair to assume that whether you are in fact a Space Ranger of Impotent Range, maybe you haven’t reached the true apex of your career. So, it was worth mentioning now that Rockstar drew our attention to the question mark on the little radar, which indicated the presence of a dynamic event. They said that they’ll be dynamic events all over the map in specific locations at certain times of day.

And they’re also specific to the character you’re playing. So there really is going to be a mystery, I think. Certain events. Some people won’t see them.

Tim Weaver: So, Michael heads across Vinewood Boulevard towards an alleyway. We’ve talked about this before. Hidden down the alleyway is Lacey Jonas. Before he even gets to the other side of the street, I think he got knocked over in our demo, Dan. And then, I’m assuming it was the person driving the car that said, “Don’t move.” Presumably because he wanted to speak to Michael or talk about insurance.

Dan Dawkins: He goes down and someone shouts, “Hey” or something. And we do eventually bump into Lacey Jonas. It’s a dynamic side mission. So Lacey Jonas then says, and this is a masterwork of accents, “This is a nightmare. I’m serious. These guys are crazy. Could you get me past this, please? My car’s just over there.” Michael replies, “I’ll give it a try.” A random bloke also says, “Are you fucking insane?”

And then the pap’s are trying to get a shot of her because she doesn’t trust her own driving, which suggests an element of Lindsay Lohan.

Tim Weaver: Just backing up a little bit to where that guy says, “Are you fucking insane?” I think they were down in the alleyway and they were quite close to where she’d left her car. I think the point at which they’d said that, Michael got into her car. So I don’t know whether they were commenting on the fact that he was going to help her or that he looked like he was stealing her car.

Dan Dawkins: He does get in the car. What’s the track playing in the car?

Tim Weaver: The track that kicks off is ‘Glamorous’ by Fergie featuring Ludacris, which I believe has already been confirmed as one of the songs on the soundtrack. So, I don’t think that’s any great revelation, but that’s the song that plays as Michael gets in Lacey Jonas’ car. And then Michael drives up the alleyway, stops by Lacey Jonas and says, “Get in, quick.”

Dan Dawkins: And she says, “Oh, shit. Here they come. Go, go, go. Lose them. Oh, this is a disaster. I am so fucking fat.” She continues, “Oh my god. They cannot get a shot of me. How’s my hair? Do I look cute?” “I’m going to worry about the gang of lunatics chasing you first.” A photographer then shouts, “Here, Lacy” because they’re obviously 1930’s paparazzi.

Tim Weaver: And then Michael says, “They’re crazy. What the hell did you do?” She replies, “Oh, I’m really famous. I didn’t do anything. This is my average commute.” He continues, “So, who are you anyway?” “Who am I? Hello. Take another look.” “Hello. I’m trying to focus on not killing us right now.” “How out of touch are you? I’m Lacey Jonas. I’m the voice of a generation” “Not my generation.” “Bullshit. I test very well in your demographic.”

So then they drive on for another forty seconds. Lacey says, “Looks like we lost them. Thank god. Now, would you be a total sweetheart and give me a ride back to the Hills? What a day” Michael responds, “What am I, your chauffeur for now?” “Oh, pretty please. I can’t walk home. Most men will kill for the opportunity.” They drive for about forty seconds again. They get to Lacey Jonas’ house, Dan. “This is me.

Thanks for saving me from those awful paparazzi. You’re such as sweetie.” Michael then earns one hundred and fifty dollars for his troubles. At that point, Rockstar talked a little bit about how character switching works, Dan.

Dan Dawkins: Yeah. They talked about three different ways of how character-switching works: One is automatic, which takes place in cutscenes. So you enter the cutscene as one character. When you leave the cutscene you’re someone else. The second is automatic character switching that happens in-game during dynamic events. And the third is when you decide when and whom you change to. That can happen in-mission and we saw that in the mission we played afterwards

Tim Weaver: The next bit is interesting. We wrote it down and then we’ve never really talked about it on the show. And I’m not sure why but maybe because it’s already common knowledge. But, we’ll put it out there anyway. Rockstar also said to us after the Michael and Dennis section, ‘At this point in the game, the guys have been tipped off about some cash and some bombs. They need to steal from the internal affairs agency to give to the FIB.’

Dan Dawkins: So again, we know about the IAA and the FIB almost being at war, given the fact that you recover someone from the IAA building working for the FIB. So I don’t know what’s going on with that to be honest with you.

Tim Weaver: It certainly suggests the FIB aren’t playing it well. One hundred percent law-abiding.

Dan Dawkins: Again, apologies in advance. We’ve got some proper dialogue.

Tim Weaver: So the pan out begins and that lasts Dan about twenty seconds. And then we kick into a cutscene before Blitz Play. Franklin says, “Hey. What’s cracking? Where’s he at?”

Dan Dawkins: Michael says, “Right there.”

Tim Weaver: Franklin says, “So, we’re really going to do this shit? We’re going to risk our lives to riel some motherfucking government killers again?”

Dan Dawkins: Michael says, talking to Trevor, “Yep. Hey”

Tim Weaver: Trevor says, “Hey. What’s up?”

Dan Dawkins: Michael says, “Listen up. Here’s the plan. Right, Trevor. I want you in this position up here. You’re on lookout. Give me a heads up when the armored car comes by”

Tim Weaver: Trevor says, “Okay.”

Dan Dawkins: Michael says, “You’re going to be right here in the garbage truck blocking the roadway. Franklin, you’re in the alley in the tow truck. Hope is they pull up right in front of you. When they do, you come at them hard.”

Tim Weaver: Franklin says, “Shit. He’s hoping.”

Dan Dawkins: Michael says, “Yeah. After the hit, we blast open the doors and -. Whatever -, I take it.”

Tim Weaver: Franklin then says, “That’s a lot to hop for, Holmes.”

Dan Dawkins: Trevor says, “As long as I’m not on the ground when the shit goes down, okay.”

Tim Weaver: Michael says, “When the shit goes down we’ll handle it. You stand up here on your post. Eye’s peeled, okay. We’ll take the risk. Sound cool?”

Dan Dawkins: Franklin says “Shit, you’re the professional, dog.”

Tim Weaver: Trevor says, “As long as I ain’t wearing a fucking clown outfit Michael, alright?”

Dan Dawkins: There’s a dynamic cut and the next time you see them, they’re wearing those ridiculous masks. The monkey mask. The things we’ve seen in the screenshots. Trevor says, “What? Real professional.”

Tim Weaver: And then there’s laughter, which is probably Trevor. This is later. Trevor says, “Let’s do this.” The truck takes off. About ten seconds later, the truck takes off and the ambient score kicks in, Dan. This is the one that I’ve likened on previous shows to the track that opens the Dark Night, where the Joker’s doing the bank heist. It reminded me a little bit of that.

So again, as they’re driving that truck along, there’s lots of car horns. Another driver shouts something indecipherable.

Dan Dawkins: Trevor then eventually says, “Alright, Michael. I’m in position. What’s the ETA? I’ve got a visual on the target. Should be with you any moment.” There’s a little pause and he says, “Michael. Better get on your way.” Another pause and he says, “Move in.” You hear Trevor over the radio: “Get the truck across the roadway.”
Tim Weaver: At that point, Michael parks the dumpster across the roadway and then Trevor says over the radio, “Just stop in the road and stay there.” Michael responds, “Alright. I’ve pulled up. We’re ready, Franklin.”

Dan Dawkins: Something we can’t hear happens. It sounds like Franklin. It could be the moment where he’s gunning for the security van. Franklin hits the security van. You hear the noise of it getting smashed over, which lasts about five seconds. Michael says, “Don’t stand near the vault, kid.” There’s a short pause. “Blow the doors.”

Tim Weaver: There’s an explosion. Lasts a couple of seconds. Michael says

Dan Dawkins “Everyone out. Let’s go. On the ground now. Move it.”

Tim Weaver: There’s two security guards. The first one says, “My fucking ears.” The second security guard says, “The alarm’s been tripped. The cops will be smarming here in ten seconds. You better run.”

Dan Dawkins: “Shut the fuck up”, says Franklin.

Tim Weaver: “Come on”, Michael says. We’re good to go.”

Dan Dawkins: “Sounds like they’re calling your numbers”, says Franklin.

Tim Weaver: Trevor chips in and says, “Looks like they hit the panic button. Half the LSPD incoming.

Dan Dawkins: Michael says, “Shit. They’re going to clear the area, alright. Hold off the cops.”

Tim Weaver: Franklin says, “This is going to be a nasty motherfucker, man”

Dan Dawkins: Trevor says something. We can’t really hear what he says. He then says, “I’m going to the pier.”

Tim Weaver: And then the gunfire starts, Dan. There’s lots of gunfire. Gunfire lasts about fifteen seconds. Trevor says, “I’m up here watching over you boys. Well, one of you more than the other.” That’s interesting, Dan. What would you make of that?

Dan Dawkins: Well, its whether he’s got an uneasy alliance with one of them. You’d think probably an uneasy alliance with Franklin since he’s just met him. And it seems that him and Michael go way back. It suggests tension between that pair. Quite how that resolves, we don’t know. I thought that was interesting

Tim Weaver: Michael said something I couldn’t pick up on. Franklin says

Dan Dawkins “More cops on the way.”

Tim Weaver: Next, Trevor chips in and says, “I’ll take them down. Leave it to me. I’m up here with a rocket launcher, guys. Keep out of my way.”

Dan Dawkins: Michael says, “It’s not worth it,” and then something else we can’t make out. Then he says, “Hold your positions.”

Tim Weaver: Trevor says, “There’s tons of these assholes.”

Dan Dawkins: Trevor says again, “Hoe. I’ve got a rocket up my ass. This is actually better in actual reality. It works really well when it’s there. Franklin says, “Hey, when are we getting out of here?”

Tim Weaver: Trevor says, “Hold them down. Get them on the back foot.”

Dan Dawkins: What does Trevor say after?

Tim Weaver: Trevor says, “We need a window. There’s more in front of you. Leave them to me, alright?” Michael says, “There’s some snipers on the roof to your right. You’ve got to take them out.”

Dan Dawkins: Franklin then chips in saying, “Oh shit. Come to the front, dog. I need some help.” Franklin says about ten seconds later, “Somebody’s got to mash some dudes up here, Holmes.” He later says, “Hey, what’s up. I can see a man there on the roof.”

Tim Weaver: About ten seconds later, Trevor snipes the SWAT team on the roof. Either Michael or Franklin says, “Hold them back.”

Dan Dawkins: Michael says, “All we’ve got to do is ride this out.” Trevor says

Tim Weaver: “Michael. I’ve got gunmen in those choppers.”

Dan Dawkins: Michael says, “Alright. Get rid of them quick.” Trevor shouts, “Clear. Clear.” Trevor says again, “Going to work ain’t so though at all.”

Tim Weaver: Franklin says, “Oh, shit. Alright man, you stay safe.” And that’s where the score starts to fade out. So then the guys from Rockstar started to talk about how each of the characters, Dan, had slightly different approaches to combat.

Dan Dawkins: Yeah. They just talk about how Franklin was pinned down behind bollards. And they’ve all got different approaches. He’s behind bollards and he had to use cover wisely. We showed the dynamic cover and he was rolling between different bits of scenery. That was quite nice. And Michael was on the ground. He was doing a lot of clearing up. Gunning. Taking down a lot of people. That is again probably using the special ability.

Tim Weaver: So, thanks for listening this week. Do pop your comments down below. If you want to ask us questions, probably the best format for it is to get in contact with us on Twitter at our account, which is @GTAVoclcok. Do subscribe if you haven’t already and thanks for listening. We hope you’ve enjoyed the show this week and we’ll see you again next week. Goodbye


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